Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Marvin Vincent, in his scholarly commentary called Word Studies says this: “If people desire a calf to worship, a ministerial calf-maker is readily found.” Isn’t that an astounding statement. Let me read that again: “If people desire to worship a golden calf, a ministerial calf-maker is readily found.” You know, we want to blame everything on the false teachers and they deserve a lot of the blame, but the fact of the matter is there wouldn’t be false teachers if people didn’t want the ear-tickling messages that false teachers provide.

There’s a lot of ministries out there, they call themselves discernment ministries, and I think some of them do a lot of good but when you look into these discernment ministries they are always critiquing the false teachers. The false teacher said this wrong; the false teacher said that wrong. You know what breaks my heart? It’s not so much what the false teacher is doing or saying; what would be bad enough; it’s when the camera pans the crowd and I see stadiums full of people listening to this false teacher. That’s the heartbreaking part of it, because the false teacher wouldn’t even be in business if there wasn’t some sort of demand within the church for his or her services.

The book of Jeremiah, chapter 5, verses 30-31, says this: “An appalling and horrible thing Has happened in the land [31] The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule on their own authority;” and then the verse doesn’t stop there, it gets to the root of the problem and it says, “And My people love it so!” The reason that these prophets are prophesying falsely and the priests are ruling by their own authority is because that is what these people, in fact, this text says “My people” want, in fact, they “love it” this way.

We’re living in a generation today that’s telling us that the majority is always right. We are inundated with election results that say the people have spoken; the majority has spoken. You can’t even get through the day without being inundated by some survey, created by somebody, telling you what people want. And we think that because people want it a certain way that makes it right. After all, that’s majority opinion; right? If I’m understanding this passage correctly, “they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires,” this is talking about the majority. This is talking about the majority of Christians wanted this. And here the majority is wrong. You don’t determine what is true by the majority opinion. --Andy Woods


Lakewood Church is a nondenominational charismatic Christian megachurch located in Houston, Texas. It is the largest congregation in the United States, averaging more than 43,500 in attendance per week.

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