Saturday, May 23, 2020

End Times Chart

End Times Chart
By Walter D. Huyck Jr., D.Min., 2015
The First Advent of Christ - Calvary 33 AD - Mark 15.25,37-38; Luke 23.33,46; John 19.19-20; Matt 27.35,50; Luke 24.36-48 - Promise of the Spirit John 14.16-17,26; 15.26; 16.13-15; Acts 1.3-5; Luke 24.49; Isa 44.3. -
  1. Calvary - The Dividing Of Time
  2. 2. Jesus Leads Captivity Captive - Eph 4.8-10
  3. Jesus Leads Captivity Captive - Eph 4.8-10
  4. The Place Of The Redeemed Awaiting The Rapture - 2 Cor 5.8
  5. The Dispensation of Grace - The Church Age – Eph 3.1-6; Matt 16.17-19; Acts 1.7-8; 2.1-4,47; Rom 8.9-16; Eph 1.13-14; Rom 6.3-10; Col 2.12; Eph 4.30; 2 Pet 3.3-18; 1 Tim 4.1-2; 2 Tim 3.1-7; Jude 1.18-21; Matt 13; 24-25.13 Rev 2-3; 2 Thess 2.1-12 - Ends with the Rapture of the Church.
  6. The Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ and the Resurrection of the Redeemed- 2 Thess 2.7-10; 1 Thes 4.13-5.11; 1 Cor 15.51-57; John 14.1-4; 1 Thes 1.10; Phil 3.21; 1 John 2.28; Isa 26.19; Prov 14.32; Psm 17.15; Job 14.14; Dan 12.1.
  7. Jesus meets the Bride - 2 Pet 1.19; Rev 22.16; 1 Thes 4.13-17.
    The Bema Seat of Christ - The Judgment Seat Of Christ - A Judgment of Rewards - 2 Cor 5.10; 1 Cor 3.11-15; 1 Pet 1.7; Rom 14.10-12; 1Cor 9.25-27; 1 Pet 5.2-4; 2 Tim 4.8; 1 Thess 2.19; Rev 2-3.
  8. The Marriage Supper - Rev 19.7-9; Luke 13.28-29; Matt 26.29.
  9. The Great Tribulation Period - Matt 24.21-22; Dan 9.26-27; Rev 6-18; Eze 38-39.
  10. Tribulation Martyr's - Rev 6.9-11
  11. The Second Advent of Christ - Ps 2; 45; 46; 47; 50.1-6; 68; 105; Isa 11; 24.19-23; 25; 26.20-21; 63.1-6; 65.5-16; Dan 2.44-45; 7.9-14; Joel 3; Hab 3; Zech 14; 2 Thes 1.7-10; Rev 1.7; 19.11-16; Acts 1.10-11; Col 3.4; Jude 14; Matt 24.27-44. The Battle of Armageddon - The Judgment of the Nations - Isa 13; 31; Rev 16.16; 19.17-21; 14.14-20; Matt 25.31-46.
  12. New Jerusalem and the Bride - Rev 21.1-27; 20.6; 5.9-10; Psm 97.6; Isa 2.2; 60.1-3; Zech 14.16; Micah 4.1; Gal 4.25-26.
  13. The Millennium - Rev 20.1-10; Isa 2.1-4; 11-12. Ends with the final conflict - Rev 20.7-9.
  14. The Binding of Satan - Rev 20.1-3.
  15. Resurrection of the Condemned - Rev 20.12-13
  16. The Great White Throne Judgment - Rev 20.11-15; 2 Tim 4.1.
  17. The Heaven and Earth flee away - Rev 20.11.
  18. The Lake of Fire - Eternal Torment - Rev 20.10-15.
  19. The New Heaven and The New Earth - Rev 21-22.
  20. Today could be the day !
updated 2009

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