Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sanctification of the saint, Romans 5:12 — 8:39 Part 1

1. Potential sanctification, 5:12-21

2. Positional sanctification, 6:1-10

3. Practical sanctification, 6:13-23

4. Powerless sanctification, 7:1-25

5. Powerful sanctification

God’s new provision for sanctification, 8:1-39


1. Potential sanctification, 5:12-21
Federal headship of Adam and Christ

a. Headship of Adam, vv. 12-14
Death — sin

Verse 12: Intro https://www.blueletterbible.org/audio_video/popPlayer.cfm?id=8076&rel=mcgee_j_vernon/Rom

Verse 12: https://www.blueletterbible.org/audio_video/popPlayer.cfm?id=8077&rel=mcgee_j_vernon/Rom

Verse 13 & 14 https://www.blueletterbible.org/audio_video/popPlayer.cfm?id=8078&rel=mcgee_j_vernon/Rom

b. Headship of Christ, vv. 15-17
......Life — righteousness

c. Offense of Adam vs. righteousness of Christ, vv. 18-21
......Disobedience vs. Obedience
...........Judgment vs. Free Gift
...............Sin vs. Grace
..................Condemnation vs. Justification

Verses 15-21 https://www.blueletterbible.org/audio_video/popPlayer.cfm?id=8079&rel=mcgee_j_vernon/Rom

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