Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Really Bad Websites

by Michael Houke 1. A True Church (Darwin Fish) Everything is rotten, except his church and his theology. Yes Darwin Fish is his real name. About every sound teacher is a false one on his site.
2. The Path of Truth: The wrong one! Same as the above.

*****************David J. Stewart**********
3. Jesus-is-Savior: David J. Stewart (the epitome of bashing) This website is one website I would warn all Christians to avoid. But if you must use it use it with extreme caution. This is not a website for baby Christians. Not only is it King James Only they believe that anyone that teaches from any other translation except the King James Version is heretic. This alone is enough to raise a red flag. They also believe that just about every modern day theologian is heretic. They give you a list of great Bible teachers. Many most would not have heard of because they are long dead and gone. Many never got to see any of the modern day translations. Many were not around when the Dead Scrolls were discovered. But they won't tell you that.It now appears that the creator/founder of the website, David J. Stewart has been arrested and charged for child child sexual abuse:
26. Jesus is Precious: David J. Stewart's other Website, just as bad as his older one.
Avoid “Jesus Is Savior” unless you have to, but I caution you to look over anything you may copy and post to any Facebook group or use for research. Christians Beware!!As of last, He pleaded guilty!!

4. Evangelical Outreach: Dan Corner (anti-calvinist conditional security, and KJVonly) Can be very mean spirited. About every sound teacher is a false one in his group.
  • Types of Calvinism – A Comprehensive List
5. Safe Guard Your Soul: Todd Thomasella (Anti-Calvinist KJVonly) Almost a carbon copy of Dan Corner.
6. Streams Ministries on Line: Kansas City Prophets. Part of the International House of Prayer with Mike Bickle.
7. 119 Ministries: Hebrew Roots. Fast growing Cult.
8. Dr. Gene Scott and Melissa Scott: really bad Theology. Melissa was ordained by her husband gene. They both neglected Paul's teaching on woman pastor's. *************Restoration Movement************
9. Restoration Movement: Campbellites (baptismal regeneration another gospel)
10. The Interactive Bible: Campbellites:: I use this frequently for Cults and certain False Teachings. Use with caution, read before you post anything by them. If your not sure then don't post anything by them.
11. Bible Study Guide .org: Campbellites
12. Plain Truth Ministries: Formally Worldwide Church of God. Replacement Theology and British Israelism.
13. Newswatch Magazine: Armstrongism 14. Congregation of YHWH Jerusalem: Armstrongism
15. Tomorrow's World Magazine: Armstrongism. Roderick C. Meredith He founded the Global Church of God (GCG) in 1992 which he claimed was the "true church." He was eventually dismissed over authority issues, and then established the Living Church of God (LCG) in 1998. He was one of the first five evangelists ordained in 1952 by Herbert W. Armstrong. Meredith believes God chose him to "re-establish the true church" and that his members are the "spiritual heirs of the original Jerusalem Church of New Testament time." He denies the doctrine of the Trinity and he follows Armstrong's prophecy teachings. Members must keep Old Testament laws as part of their salvation. He co-hosts the TV program "Tomorrow's World," and publishes a magazine by the same name. Both are used in recruiting potential members for LCG.
16. Jesus Name Apostolic Holiness Church: Bro Steve Winter, very mean spirited. Cussed out Hank Hanegraaff on radio network. Oneness Pentecostal to the core. He also cussed me out and gave me a few choice names that I had never been called before. Stay away from him, just remove and do not post back to him.
**************Pelagianism and semi-Pelagianism******
17. The Gospel truth: Charles Finney (Pelagianism)
18. Bible Truth's: Pelagainism
19. Family Radio: Harold Camping. Harold never saw a rapture date he didn't like.
******************The Local Church********
20. Contending for the Faith: The Local Church Advocates (been known to sue Christian watchdog ministries).
21. Affirmation and Critique: Dangerous!! The Local Church Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. Have been known to sue watchdog ministries who call them a Cult. They Sued John Ankerberg's Ministry for this reason. Believe it or not, The Christian Research Journal (Hank Hanegraaff) came to their aid and defended them (imagine a watchdog ministry defending a Cult). Ankerberg won, and rightly so.
22. The Jesus Seminar: Secular group who claim that only 1% of what Jesus said in scripture He actually really said. Gnosticism at its finest.
23. Cult Awareness Network (CAN). Scientology group who sued this ministry and won. Now they own it.
24. The Prophecy Club: (Stan Johnson). Postrib. They will sell you anything you will need to survive the tribulation, I mean anything and it ain't cheap. Prosperity Gospel with numerous False Prophets.
25. Hank Hanegraaff. Preterist. Defending a Cult against another watchdog ministry. Catholic Friendly. Very Much into Christian Psychology. Questionable Character of Hanegraaff. His take over of CRI is till a hot topic. Also accussed of Plagerism of T.J. Kennedy's Material (pretty much confirmed, but Hank denies it)
[Got Questions] find the Christian Research Institute to be an excellent organization that provides a much needed service to the Body of Christ. While we do not agree with Hank Hanegraaff and CRI on every issue, we agree with them far more often than we disagree. We find CRI’s counter-cult and apologetics material to be immensely valuable. The “Bible Answer Man’s” frequent coverage of the false doctrines and abuses of the Word-Faith / Prosperity movement is crucially needed.
One significant area of disagreement we have with the Bible Answer Man is over the interpretation of end times Bible prophecy. Hank Hanegraaff takes a viewpoint somewhat similar to “partial preterism,” although Hanegraaff uses the phrase “exegetical eschatology” to describe his viewpoint. has a premillennial and dispensational interpretation of the end times.
As with any Bible teacher, including the writers here at, always compare what is taught with Scripture. Allow teachers such as the “Bible Answer Man” to provide you with guidance and information, but always go back to the Word of God as your ultimate authority.
Update: On April 9, 2017, Hank Hanegraaff announced his conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy, specifically the Greek Orthodox Church. While we do not doubt the genuineness of his faith, we strongly disagree with Hanegraaff’s assertions that the Evangelical and Orthodox versions of Christianity are compatible and the differences minimal.
26. The Vigilant Christian. Mario Brisson, under the alias The Vigilant Christian is a really really annoying YouTuber, conservative, Conspiracy theorist, anti-semitic, and hyper-analyzer, more so than Vigilant Citizen. He has a large following and his activities include: hyper-analyzing music videos, "exposing" everyone he doesn't like and end times prophesying. He does this and a lot more.
Despite how laughable he is, and most of his viewers are just people who love to hear his frothing (The mere sound of his voice is priceless), he gets a lot of advertising from popular Conspiracy Sites, which means that, unfortunately, more and more people will start to take him seriously. To others, he's part of some kind of New Age conspiracy (You know, other than scamming you). If you check Before It's News, expect to see his videos dumped there.
27. Before its News: Horrible website filled with conspiracy theories and many fake and fictitious articles and videos. Stay far away from this one.
28. Spiritual Sounding Board. Julie Anne Smith. Feminist, Slanderer, Mean Spirited, and Gossipper.
She accuses sound teachers of wife spanking and spiritual abuse, against their family members and church members, including Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, Wayne Grudem, and R.C. Sproul. She is sick and in need of help.
29. Do Right Christians. Dr. James Ach. KJVO, Anti-Calvinist, and Anti-Arminian.
30. Steve Fletcher, Facebook page. Super sensationalist, Date-Setter, False Prophet, Occultist, you name it. He is so far out in left field he went off the planet into some milky way.

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