Thursday, December 15, 2022

Spiritual Seduction


Spiritual Seduction


This is a project of the Discernment Research Group of Discernment Ministries, Inc. which maintains the blog "Herescope" (

Videos are now posted online about the Postmodern Prophecy Paradigm that we have been writing about the past few years on this blog. 

Dr. Martin Erdmann of the Verax Institute, and a member of our Discernment Research Group, filmed interviews with Pastor Larry DeBruyn, Gaylene Goodroad and Sarah Leslie, discussing the many controversial issues raised by the Nephilim Eschatology that is emerging in the evangelical world.

Sarah Leslie and Gaylene Goodroad discuss the insidious ramifications of conspiracy theories being peddled by Chuck Missler, Tom Horn, and others.

Jerry: Even Evangelical Preachers like Pastor Andy Woods and Pastor John Bennett among others promote the Genesis 6:4 fallen angels procreated with women to corrupt the human DNA to prevent Jesus birth as the Son of God/Son of Man.

Science Fiction

In this first segment of the interview Pastor Larry DeBruyn introduces the "Spiritual Seduction"-series of videos by pointing to the use of science fiction as one of the main avenues to introduce a new religion under the disguise of a pseudo-Christianity. 

Postmodern Prophecy Paradigm

Pastor Larry Debruyn, Sarah Leslie, and Gaylene Goodroad discuss the postmodern prophecy paradigm's unbiblical notions that space aliens will invade the earth at the end of times.

Rudiments of the World

Pastor Larry Debruyn, Sarah Leslie, and Gaylene Goodroad discuss the postmodern prophecy paradigm's unbiblical notions that Genesis 6 speaks about space aliens called Nephilim procreating hybrid human beings on earth.

As in the Days of Noah

Pastor Larry Debruyn explains the difference between the endtime teachings of extra-biblical books such as the Apocrapha and Christ's prophecy in the Sermon on the Mount concerning the statement "as in the days of Noah.


Pastor Larry Debruyn and Sarah Leslie explain the biblical meaning of Genesis 6 and its perverted interpretation by Chuck Missler and others.

Hyper-Spiritual Warfare

Pastor Larry Debruyn, Sarah Leslie, and Gaylene Goodroad discuss the hyper-spiritual warfare theories coming out of the circles of heretical teachers promoting the postmodern prophecy paradigm.

Dark Sources

Pastor Larry Debruyn, Sarah Leslie, and Gaylene Goodroad discuss the esoteric sources such as the Kabbalah and Merkabah mysticism which are being used by proponents of the postmodern prophecy paradigm.


Hyperdimensionality provides an alternative scientific-sounding explanation for the demon-like ET behavior. The alleged attribute of interdimensionality of “space aliens” becomes a primary theme of the remainder of the book. But the science itself is suspect, as was discussed in Part 4. ( hyperdimensionality and alternative realities thesis also formed the premise of Michael Talbot's The Holographic Universe, which influenced Alien Encounters (and also Cosmic Codes). But note: Talbot's book is not really about physics. It is a primer on the New Age occult: ESP, mind science, psychokinesis, auras, shamanism, precognition, out-of-body experiences, psychic phenomena, Marian apparitions, UFO encounters, etc.


Pastor Larry Debruyn explains briefly the reasons why the gap theory is unbiblical because it was devised to accommodate evolution theory. Since Christ is the creator and sustainer of the universe including the earth, the gap theory is not necessary as an explanation of how human life could come into existence. If the Bible is taken at its word, as it should, the evolution theory is not true.

Ancient Mythology

Pastor Larry Debruyn, Sarah Leslie, and Gaylene Goodroad discuss the sources used by proponents of the postmodern prophecy paradigm which are either part of ancient mythology or derived from it.

Quantum Mysticism

Pastor Larry Debruyn explains briefly the fourfold path of mysticism which begins with flagellation, continues with contemplation and illumination, and ends in deification. Quantum mysticism is informed by far eastern religions which are entirely contrary to the working of the Holy Spirit giving new birth to a Christian.

The Watchers

Sarah Leslie and Gaylene Goodroad discuss some of the occult theories of Enoch's Watchers promoted by Steve Quayle, L. A. Marzulli, Tom Horn, Chuck Missler, and others.

Serpent Seed Doctrine

Sarah Leslie and Gaylene Goodroad discuss the fear mongering of Tom Horn and others who claim that alien super soldiers will invade the earth.

Date Setting

Sarah Leslie and Gaylene Goodroad discuss Tom Horn's practice of date setting in regard to the end of time which is explicitly forbidden in the Scriptures. This alone should qualify him as a false prophet.

The Propagators

Sarah Leslie and Gaylene Goodroad mention the names of the main purveyors of "nephilim"-heresies and the titles of their main publications.

Steve Quayle, L. A. Marzulli, Tom Horn, Chuck Missler, Ryan Wyatt, 

Conspiracy Theory

Sarah Leslie and Gaylene Goodroad discuss the insidious ramifications of conspiracy theories being peddled by Chuck Missler, Tom Horn, and others fallen angels procreated with women to corrupt the human DNA to prevent Jesus birth as the Son of God/Son of Man.

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