Monday, March 20, 2023



John Wesley had a dream which affected his life’s work tremendously. He dreamed that he died and came to the gate of heaven. He was anxious to know who had been admitted, so he questioned the keeper:

“Are there any Presbyterians here?”
“None”, replied the keeper of the gate.
Wesley was surprised. “Have you any Anglicans?” he asked.
“No one!” was the reply
“Surely, there must be many Baptists in Heaven?”
“No, none”, replied the keeper.
Wesley grew pale. He was afraid to ask his next question:
“How many Methodists are there in heaven?”
“Not one,” answered the keeper quickly.

Wesley’s heart was filled with wonder. The angel at the gate then told Wesley that there were no earthly distinctions in heaven. “All of us here in heaven are one in Christ. We are just an assembly who love the Lord”.

Wesley was then taken downward, downward to the entrance of Hell. He met the keeper of the gate there.

“Have you any Presbyterians here?” asked Wesley.
“Oh, yes, many,” answered the keeper.
Wesley stood still, “Have you any Anglicans?” he asked.
“Yes, yes, many”, answered the keeper.
“Are there Baptists in there”? Wesley continued to ask.
“Of course, many,” replied the keeper.
”Wesley was afraid to ask the next question. “Are there any Methodists in Hell?”
The keeper of the gate grinned. “Oh Yes, there are many Methodists here.”
Wesley could hardly speak. “Tell me, have you any there who love the Lord?”
“No, no, not one, not one” he answered. “No one in Hell loves the Lord”

So, it follows today, no member, (let alone deacon, or other title holders) of any denomination will make heaven! Heaven is for those who love the Lord, not those who belong to any denomination, no matter how ‘spiritual’. Don’t be caught in the trap. Join the body of Christ, not denomination!

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