Saturday, July 4, 2020

A possible sequence of Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 and the judgment seat of Christ for the church

Following the church age, the next series of events described in the book of Revelation are associated with the tribulation period. What are shown in the following graphic are two events not explicitly discussed in Revelation, but are described in Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39, which is the invasion of Israel by Gog and his confederates.  The implied timing on the following graphic is not a viewpoint that is reached by a consensus or a majority of those teaching the premillennial viewpoint.  However, it is the viewpoint that is taught on this site.  The events prophesied in Ezekiel will likely occur immediately after the rapture of the church.  The following graphic also shows the simultaneous appearance of the church before the judgment seat of Christ, 2Corinthians 5:6-10.  Again, there are many alternative views among commentators on the sequence of these events, particularly with the invasion of Israel, but this is the sequence of events used in this site in developing the overall timeline from now through the end of the tribulation.
With all of the details given in Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39, the following graphic attempts to capture them in a general sense.  There is a build up in activity between the God, or Russia, and its Muslim confederates.  Though there are battle plans drawn up to invade and destroy Israel, they are not pursued until some cataclysmic event occurs.  This event may be the rapture of the church, or other natural or manmade catastrophe.  Nevertheless, Russia and its confederates will realize an opportunity to take advantage of and quickly position their forces in Northern Israel to invade her.  This battle is the Lord's.  Though the invading forces are prepared for an all out attack, neither the invaders nor Israel will launch any type of weapon.  Instead, the Lord will rain all types of judgment upon Israel's enemies and utterly destroy them and their homeland.  Thereafter, it will take about seven years to bury the remnants of the dead.  Afterward, a remnant of Israel will have a revived relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, their Messiah, which is depicted as a solid purple rectangle in the last half of the seven years of the tribulation, and on into the Millennial reign of Christ over this world.

Jerry: I disagree with this scenario.

Ezekiel 39:9, for the weapons to be burned seven years, would need to have the event occur before mid-tribulation. The reasoning for this is that Revelation 12:13-17 says after the abomination and Satan being kicked out of heaven...his persecution of Israel will be so intense that the Jews will flee in an exodus to a place of safety for three and a half year waiting for Jesus' second coming. During the Great Tribulation, Israel will not be in the lad to burn the weapons. So this would push the Ezekiel 38 & 39 war out to three and a half to seven years before Daniel 9:27 starts.

These are the other possible scenarios.

Timing Gog-Magog

When will Ezekiel 38-39 be fulfilled?

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