Sunday, October 11, 2020

Popular Prophecy Ministries Claim to Not Setting a Date for the Rapture.....but really?


I came across another popular ministry that claims to NOT be date setting (am not posting the link so as to not inadvertently give approval for the ministry) …but in fact the teacher hints so hard that you will assume a range of dates. Remember date setting is broader than saying "The rapture will be on October 30th." It includes "generation", "seasons", "feasts" etc that says the rapture is going to happen during a range of time. Here is what this ministry says: For those who have followed my writings over the years, know, that I am not prone to wild speculation, date setting, prophecy crazes, or any other sort of unbiblical theology. This will be a little different. So, let me caution you and preface this video with several points of consideration. I do not know the ‘day or hour’ (Matthew 24:36).

Last Trumpet Rapture You will not find me saying here, on such and such date, the Lord will Rapture the Church. I’m simply giving a likely window of time that I feel, He could return. Could there be a connection between the Rapture and Donald Trump?


  1. Though we would not know the day nor hour, we were told we could know when it was close and to be looking up for it....

    1. 1 Thessalonians 1:10 says to watch and wait...not speculate and guess on a day. Have not learned from 2017?

  2. I findthis article to be misleading... We are to witness the signs of the times and know that His coming is immenent. That is not date setting - as much as you want it to be.

    1. The second coming has signs and is for Israel. The rapture is signless and immanent. To set signs as applying to the rapture is date settings because it leads to saying "the rapture will happen at this time or season because of these signs." So it is the author of the statement who is misleading.
