Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Dispensation 101

How would you explain what Dispensationalism is in an "idiots guide" manner? - Charles N Janet Jennings

Two overarching dispensations:

Old Testament and New Testament dividing them by the cross. Creation----OLD--->CROSS<--New--->Eternity

There are three people groups: Gentile, Jews and the Church.

The Old Testament covers the Gentiles and the Jews.
Both people groups were saved by faith and covered their sins with blood from bulls, Sheep and goats as a shadow of Jesus' sacrifice to come. Righteousness was defined in covenants God made with the believer's with blessings and curses. The Holy Spirit came upon them, but was not sealed nor filled them. This dispensation can be further divided by promise, test and judgments from Creation to the Law.


The New Testament covers the righteous requirement of the Law satisfied with Jesus' death, burial, resurrection and ascension.
The Church born on Pentecost and ends with the Rapture and is made up of Jews and Gentiles who are saved by faith, redeemed by the blood of Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit as the bride and body of Christ. Israel is set aside in unbelief until the fulness of the Gentiles are grafted in by the faith of Abraham to the cultivated Olive tree. Then the believer's will be examined for rewards or loss at the Bema Seat of Christ. Afterwards is the marriage supper of the Lamb and the believer's will reign with Christ forever.

Israel>70A.D . ->Dispersion->Regathered->2nd Com.>Saved
....... A.D. 33 Pentecost
Spiritual Church> Body/Bride>Rapture-->Bema--->Marriage
Visible Church>Jezebel, Prostitute, Adulterer, Apostasy, Trib.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a return to the Old Testament to fulfill Israel's Seventieth Seven found in Daniel 9:27 and ends with the Great White Throne Judgment of all unbelievers of both dispensations.

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