Wednesday, March 3, 2021


Andy Wood's hit the nail on the head about Kadesh-barnea and the loss of blessings which he learned from Dwight Pentecost. - Jerry Teets
Part 23 (Hebrews 6:4-6)
How does the context of chapter 6 of Hebrews help in understanding the warning found therein?
OSAS & Hebrews 6:4-6 Part I

To be honest with you, for years and years I did not understand the book of Hebrews because I’d heard one view on the book of Hebrews; I had drilled into my head the Reformed view or the Calvinistic view, and that’s the only view that I really knew.
And God did a God-thing (as only God can do) in my life; I was sitting in a classroom and the professor, this is during my doctoral studies at Dallas Seminary, the professor was Dr. Ronald Allen, and he was doing an analysis of the Kadesh-barnea generation and he was making some points out of Exodus 14:30-31, which I’ll show you today. And at the same time, that was in the morning, at the same time I was taking an afternoon class with Dr. Pentecost and I needed two units to graduate, and I asked him if I could take his class. And it was not a doctoral class, it was a master’s class. He said yeah, you can take it but you have to write a bigger paper. So I took it and I was sitting there listening to him speak and he began to say… and I said what do you want me to write my paper on, he said I want you to write your paper on why the Kadesh-barnea incident unpacks the meaning of Hebrews, or unfolds it. And when he said that I had no idea what he was talking about; I just, like a good student, said okay, no problem, pretending like I understood. But I really didn’t understand.

And so I was sitting there listening to his lecture and he started to explain how the Kadesh-barnea incident explains the book of Hebrews. So I had Dr. Allen explaining the Kadesh-barnea incident and some related incidents in the morning and I had Dr. Pentecost explaining how Kadesh-barnea (which I’ll share with you what that means in just a second) explains Hebrews. And it was a class I wasn’t supposed to take and it was one of those things that God did in my life that was a paradigm shift. I believe it was God that was guiding these two people and they weren’t even talking to each other but they were both, I believe, under the Spirit’s guidance teaching on things I needed to understand and God sovereignly, (as God is my witness, had me in those two classes, which I didn’t even plan on being in, I just wanted to graduate and get out of there, quite frankly) to alter the way I thought. It was a God moment!. It was a paradigm shift moment! And as I look back on it the only way I can explain it is God set the whole thing up. And so as I sat under that that shifted me, that semester, more than any other thing in my life I could think of, shifted met away from a Reformed view, not just on Hebrews but really the whole Bible.

OSAS & Hebrews 6:4-6 Part II
Soteriology 43: OSAS & Hebrews 6:4-6 Part III

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