Monday, July 26, 2021

Dispensational Theology (A Brief History)

 Dispensational Theology (A Brief History)

By Michael Houke

Foundations of Dispensationalism Ancient Developments
  1. Justin Martyr: AD 110-165 Held the essence of dispensationalism in his recognition of differing economics in the O.T.
  2. Irenaus: AD 130-200 Refers to four principal covenants given to the human race, particularly drawing a distinction between three covenants of the O.T. and the Gospels. This distinction is typical dispensationalism.
  3. Clement: AD 150-220 Identified four dispensations: Adamic, Nohaic, Abrahamic, and Mosaic.
  4. Augustine: AD 354-430 Recognized that worshippers approach God in a different manner in different ages.
Modern Developments:
  1. Pierre Poiret 1646-1719 Presented a sevenfold dispensational scheme as follows: 1. Infancy- to deluge 2. Childhood- to Moses 3. Adolesence- to the prophets 4. Youth- to the coming of christ 5. Manhood- early part of Christianity 6. Old Age- latter part of Christianity 7. Renovation of all things- the millennium Thus he recognizes differing dispensations culminating in a literal thousand year period.
  2. Jonathan Edwards: 1646-1719 Published 2 vol. - entitled "A Complete History or Survey of All the Dispensations" He outlines dispensations as follows: 1. Innocency 2. Sin and Misery 3. Reconciliation a. Patriarchal economy 1. Adamical 2. Noahical 3. Abrahamic b. Mosaical economy c. Gentile Economy D. Christian Economy 1. Infancy 2. childhood 3. manhood 4. old age.
  3. Isaac Watts 1674-1748 Recognized the dispensations as conditional ages wherin God had certain expectations of men and made conditional promises and prohibitions to them. Watts outine: 1. Dispensation of Innocency 2. Adamic Dispensation 3. Noahic Dispensation 4. Abrahamic Dispensation 5. Mosaic Dispensation 6. Christian Dispensation Others who espoused Dispensationalism in Modern Times.
  4. John Nelson Darby: 1800-1882
  5. C.I. Schofield: !843- 1921.

Recent Times:
  • Thomas Ice
  • Ron Rhodes
  • Norman Geisler
  • John MacArthur (Leaky Dispensationalist)
  • Charles Ryrie
  • John Walvoord
  • John Ankerberg
  • William Lane Craig
  • Dave Hunt
  • Randall Price
  • Charles Stanley
  • Paul Salus
  • Mark Hitchcock
  • Renald Showers
  • Robert L. Thomas
  • David Reagen
  • Terry James
  • Dwight Pentecost
  • Lewis Sperry Chafer
  • Tim LaHaye
  • Edward Hinson
  • David Jeremiah
  • Adrian Rogers
  • Paul Benware
  • Hal Lindsey
  • Grant Jeffrey
  • T.A. McMahon
  • Joel Rosenberg
And Many others.
Dispensational theology teaches that there are two distinct peoples of God: Israel and the church. Dispensationalists believe that salvation has always been by faith in God in the Old Testament and specifically in God the Son in the New Testament.
Dispensationalists hold that the church has not replaced Israel in God’s program and the Old Testament promises to Israel have not been transferred to the church. They believe that the promises God made to Israel (for land, many descendants, and blessings) in the Old Testament will be ultimately fulfilled in the 1000-year period spoken of in Revelation chapter 20. Dispensationalists believe that just as God is in this age focusing His attention on the church, He will again in the future focus His attention on Israel (Romans 9-11) Using this system as a basis, dispensationalists understand the Bible to be organized into seven dispensations: Innocence), conscience, human government, promise, law, grace, and the millennial kingdom. Again, these dispensations are not paths to salvation, but manners in which God relates to man. Dispensationalism, as a system, results in a premillennial interpretation of Christ’s second coming and usually a pre-tribulational interpretation of the rapture. To summarize, dispensationalism is a theological system that emphasizes the literal interpretation of Bible prophecy, recognizes a clear distinction between Israel and the church, and organizes the Bible into the different dispensations it presents. Sources used:
  1. Everything by Thomas Ice.
  2. Basic Theology by Charles Ryrie
  3. Dispensationalism Today: By Charles Ryrie
  4. The Basis For the Premillennial Faith: Charles Ryrie
  5. The Moody Hand book of Theology: by Paul Enns
  6. Concise Bible Doctrines: by Elmer Towns
  7. A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs: by David W. Bercot
  8. The Popular Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics: Edward Caner and Ed Hinson
  9. Systematic Theology: by Norman Geisler.
Additions: Numerous books by Mark Hitchcock numerous works by John Walvrood (The King of the Pretribulational Rapture)
God Bless every Saint, past present and future!

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