Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Church is trading her heavenly hope for an earthly delusion

 The Church is trading her heavenly hope for an earthly delusion. Like those foolish virgins of the parable, their lamps have run out of oil. What they perceive to be oil, “the anointing of the Holy Spirit”, is instead a sensual counterfeit offered up by seducing spirits. This counterfeit anointing comes with a counterfeit gospel of a false triumphalism that will lead to a New Age “Kingdom” under Anti-Christ. They will accept Anti-Christ with open arms, perceiving him to be Christ, whom they mistakenly identify as the “rider on the white horse” of Revelation chapter six verse two.

What is so desperately needed in the Church today is so desperately lacking – discernment. Discernment to tell the Spirit of Christ from the ecumenical spirit of Antichrist. To discern the true anointing from the false anointing, the true Christ from the Gnostic Anti-Christ of the Manifest Sons of God. - Charles S. Graves

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