Wednesday, October 13, 2021

John Ankerberg and his compromise

 I will no longer post from John Ankerberg and his program.

He has allowed Anne Graham Lotz to teach on his program. This is a exercise in discernment. John Ankerberg is an Evangelical and has shown compromise and pragmatism, but this does not make him a wolf. I have watched with concern with his downgrade by the guests he hosted. But I still shared from the articles that were good. Now that he has embraced Anne Graham Lotz, I can no longer endorse him. If I continue to share his program, then I am exposing other believers to the compromise he made to have her on his program. I would prefer an outright wolf like Kenneth Hagin or a Joel Osteen than compromised Evangelicals like Anne Graham Lotz and John Ankerberg. They cannot mix truth and error and be called "sound teachers."
Open Letter to Anne Graham Lotz Regarding The Circle Maker LOTZ … Of Nonsense
Christian celebs want to unite the Body of Christ with….wolves? Speakers at The Gathering (September 21, 2016) include Church leaders such as Ronnie Floyd, Jack Graham (SBC), Kay Arthur (noted Bible teacher) and Anne Graham Lotz (on behalf of Billy Graham) who, for reasons known only to them, choose to gather with WOLVES such as Kenneth Copeland, Robert Morris (Word of Faith) and Samuel Rodriguez (NAR).

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