Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Apostle Paul's Olive Tree Analogy

 The Apostle Paul's Olive Tree Analogy

Dan R. Smedra
Theme: Israel in the light of God's sovereign election and mercy
I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited:
Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.
Romans 11:25 NIV

Romans 9-16

06 - The Righteousness of God in Israel's Future Restoration Pt. 1

Romans 11:1-15 with Tom Stegall

07 - The Righteousness of God in Israel's Future Restoration Pt. 2

Bible: Romans 11:16-36 with Tom Stegall

Introduction & Background
The Jews knew that God had exclusively dealt with the Patriarchs and the Nation for nearly two millennia (Deuteronomy 7:6-8), and had provided for those who were not the "seed of Abraham" to participate in Judaism (Acts 13:26). Israel had been God’s exclusive sphere of election (calling)--His beloved vineyard (Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 7:6; Matt. 21:33-39). Understandably, the Jews found it near impossible to let go of the idea of their favored and separated status.
But with Pentecost things began to change. At first the Jewish believers struggled with the truth that the new work of the Holy Spirit did not recognize their religious tradition that required strict separation between Jew and Gentile. It would require a special miracle (Acts 10) to alter Peter's mindset that Gentiles were not racially "unclean." (Acts 10:28). In time, other Jewish believers would have to alter their thinking as well.
Little did they fathom that the Heavenly Church was neither prophesied nor revealed in OT Scriptures and was a complete mystery until revealed doctrinally by the Apostle Paul. To Paul would fall the task of explaining several mysteries [truths previously hidden, but then revealed] to both his Jewish brethren as well as the new Gentile believers.
In Romans 8:29-30, the Apostle Paul proclaims a number of unique biblical truths: foreknowledge, predestination, calling, justification, sanctification--the Father’s grand purpose of conforming new creation believers to the likeness of his Son, glorification, as well as the fact that God is assuredly bringing all to a glorious consummation. With this having been said, Paul then turns to the subject of Israel's current status (Lo-ammi, not my people) with Jehovah.
Please open your Bible to Paul's epistle to the Romans and read along.

William R. Newell, Romans, Verse by Verse.

The Subtle Errors of Covenant/Calvinist Theology

Non-dispensational teachers have endeavored to bring over the many promises of physical and material aspects of Kingdom salvation into the present dispensation, giving hope of material prosperity and physical health, as well as political peace.  Failure to realize these promised goals has caused many to lose faith and to become bitter toward God Himself.  The failure, of course, is not of God, but of teachers who have refused to rightly divide the Word of truth.  MJS

Examples of erroneous interpretations:


Healing, Prosperity and Well Beingby Jay Snell

Non-dispensational, charismatic Baptist Jay Snell promises earthly healing, prosperity and well being based on Gentile Christians being grafted into Israel!  This sad soul is so oblivious to the Apostle Paul's heavenly gospel, that he demands materialistic parity for the Church lest "Judaism be superior to Christianity".  Covenant theology is at the root of this 'health and wealth' charlatanism.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, by Ron Graff and Lambert Dolphin.  While not as extreme as Snell, both these authors graft the Church into Israel and her covenants.  Thus Christian spiritual growth is sharing "in the nourishing sap" (Romans 11:17) and becoming Jewish in thinking and life style.

The description of Gentile believers as wild olive branches grafted into the true olive tree suggests that Gentiles need to become more Jewish in their thinking and life styles as they grow spiritually.  When we meet our Messiah and Savior face to face we shall discover that He is Jewish and was raised in Jewish culture and taught the Hebrew Scriptures.  He was a devout and observant Jewish believer.  Visits to Israel and cultivated friendships with Jewish people are well worth the effort in freeing us from our own ghetto mentalities and the pagan, idolatrous roots from which we have been freed as Gentiles. Chapter 2.

One Continuous Olive Tree, by anti-dispensational Daniel P. Fuller of The Berean Corner.

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