Monday, December 20, 2021

Eschatology Resources

Eschatology Resources

Eschatology is the study of what the Bible says is going to happen in the end times. Many treat Eschatology as an area of theology to be avoided. Of course, Eschatology is not as crucial as Christology or Soteriology. That does not mean, though, that it is unimportant to a Biblical worldview. How we understand Eschatology has an impact on how we should live our lives and what we are to expect to occur in God’s plan.

Overviews of Bible Prophecy


Charting the End Times: A Visual Guide to Understanding Bible Prophecy | Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice | Harvest House Publishers, 2001. 124 pp.

The End Times in Chronological Order: A Complete Overview to Understanding Bible Prophecy | Ron Rhodes | Harvest House Publishers, 2012. 240 pp.

The End: A Complete Overview of Bible Prophecy and the End of Days | Mark Hitchcock | Tyndale Momentum | 2012. 528 pp.

Footsteps of the Messiah | Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum | Ariel Ministries | 2003. 840 pp.

Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible | Tim LaHaye (Editor) | AMG Publishers | 2000. 1600 pp.

The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy: Over 150 Topics from the World's Foremost Prophecy Experts | Tim LaHaye (Editor) and Ed Hindson (Editor) | Harvest House Publishers | 2004. 432 pp.

Major Bible Prophecies: 37 Crucial Prophecies That Affect You Today | John F. Walvoord | Zondervan | 1991. 450 pp.

End Times Prophecy | John F. Walvoord | David C. Cook | 2016. 240 pp. 

The Interpretation of Prophecy | Paul Lee Tan | Assurance Publishers | 1974. 435pp.

The King is Coming: A Compelling Biblical Study of the Last Days |  Harold L. Willmington | Tyndale House Publishers | 1991. 345 pp.

Things to Come: A Study in Biblical Eschatology | J. Dwight Pentecost | Zondervan Academic | 1965. 670 pp.

The Second Coming: Signs of Christ's Return and the End of the Age  | John MacArthur | Crossway | 2006. 240 pp.

Compiled Works

When the Trumpet Sounds: Today's Foremost Authorities Speak Out on End-Time Controversy | Thomas Ice (Editor) and Timothy Demy (Editor) | Harvest House Publishers | 1995. 474 pp.

The End Times Controversy | Tim LaHaye (Editor) and Thomas Ice (Editor) | Harvest House Publishers | 2003. 464 pp.

Issues in Dispensationalism | Wesley R. Willis (Editor) and John R. Master (Editor) and Charles C. Ryrie | Moody Publishers | 1994.  271 pp. 

Commentaries & Topics - Alphabetical


Amillennialism and the Age to Come | Matt Waymeyer | Kress Biblical Resources | 2016. 326 pp.

Unmasking the Antichrist | Ron Rhodes | Harvest House Publishers | 2012. 258 pp.


The Rise of Babylon: Sign of the End | Charles H. Dyer |  Moody Publishers | 2003. 256 pp.


There Really is a Difference! A Comparison of Covenant and Dispensational Theology | Renald E. Showers | Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry | 1990. 225 pp.



Daniel: An Exegetical and Dispensational Commentary | Paul Benware | Dispensational Publishing House | 2018. 310 pp.

Daniel: The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentaries | John Walvoord | Moody Publishers | 2012. 432 pp.

The Most High God: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel | Renald Showers | The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry | 1982. 220 pp.


70 Weeks

Daniels Prophecy of the 70 Weeks | Alva J. McClain | BMH Books | 1969. 73 pp.

The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks of The Book of Daniel | Michael Kalafian | University Press of America | 1991. 259 pp. 


Dispensationalism | Charles C. Ryrie | Moody Publishers; New edition | 2007. 272 pp.

Dispensationalism: Essential Beliefs and Common Myths | Michael J. Vlach | Theological Studies Press; 2 edition | 2017. 112 pp.

Issues in Dispensationalism | Wesley R. Willis (Editor) and John R. Master (Editor) and Charles C. Ryrie | Moody Publishers | 1994.  271 pp.


Darby, John Nelson

Dispensationalism Before Darby | William C. Watson | Lampion Press | 2015. 374 pp.

For Zion's Sake: Christian Zionism and the Role of John Nelson Darby | Paul Wilkinson | Studies in Evangelical History and Thought | 2008. 340 pp.


The Prophecy of Ezekiel: The Glory of the Lord | Charles L. Feinberg | Wipf and Stock | 2003. 286 pp.




What the Bible Says About Heaven and Eternity | Thomas Ice and Timothy J. Demy | Kregel Publications; Revised Edition | 2000. 64pp.


Basic Bible Interpretation | Roy B. Zuck | David C. Cook | 1991. 324 pp.

Evangelical Hermeneutics: The New Verses the Old | Robert L. Thomas | Kregel Academic & Professional | 2003. 528 pp.

The Hermeneutics of the Biblical Writers: Learning to Interpret Scripture from the Prophets and Apostles | Abner Chou | Kregel Academic | 2018. 256 pp.


Isaiah, the Glory of the Messiah | Alfred Martin | Moody Press | 1983. 193 pp.


Future Israel: Why Christian Anti-Judaism Must Be Challenged | Barry E. Horner | B&H Academic | 2007. 416 pp.

Eternal Israel: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Studies that Uphold the Eternal, Distinctive Destiny of Israel | Barry E. Horner | Wordsearch | 2018. 336 pp. 

What Should We Think About Israel?: Separating Fact from Fiction in the Middle Easte Conflict | Randall Price | Harvest House Publishers | 2019. 336 pp.

Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology | Arnold Fruchtenbaum | Ariel Ministries | 1994. 1018 pp.


Jeremiah a Commentary | Charles L. Feinberg | Zondervan | 1983.  335 pp. 



The Greatness of the Kingdom: An Inductive Study of the Kingdom of God | Alva J. McClain | BMH Books | 2001.  556 pp.

The Theocratic Kingdom, 3 Voume Set | George N.H. Peters | Kregel Academic & Professional | 1952. 2184 pp.

Thy Kingdom Come: Tracing God's Kingdom Program and Covenant Promises Throughout History | J. Dwight Pentecost | Kregel Publications | 1995. 360 pp.

The Coming Kingdom: What is the Kingdom and How is Kingdom Now Theology Changing the Focus of the Church? | Andy M. Woods | Grace Gospel Press | 2016. 460 pp.

He Will Reign Forever: A Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God | Michael J. Vlach | 2017. 648 pp.



Matthew (The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentaries) | John Walvoord | Moody Publishers | 2013. 464 pp.

The Gospel of Matthew: The King is Coming | Ed Hindson | AMG Publishers 21st Century Biblical Commentary Series | 2007. 256 pp.

The Minor Prophets | Charles L. Feinberg | Moody Publishers | 2013. 360 pp.

Millennialism: The Two Major Views | Charles L. Feinberg | BMH Books | 1985. 400 pp.

Messianic Prophecies

The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy: Studies and Expositions of the Messiah in the Old Testament | Michael Rydelnik (editor) Edwin Blum (editor) | Moody Publishers | 2019.  1440 pp.

The Messianic Hope: Is the Hebrew Bible Really Messianic? | Michael Rydelnik | NAC Studies in Bible & Theology | 2010. 304 pp.





The Basis of the Premillennial Faith | Charles C. Ryrie | ECS Ministries | 2005. 144 pp.

Dictionary of Premillennial Theology | Mal Couch | Kregel Publications | 1997. 448 pp.

Millennialism: The Two Major Views | Charles L. Feinberg | BMH Books | 1985. 400 pp. 


The End Times Controversy: The Second Coming Under Attack | Tim LaHaye (author) and Thomas Ice (author) | Harvest House Publishers | 2003. 464 pp.

The Great Tribulation--Past or Future?: Two Evangelicals Debate the Question | Kregel Academic & Professional | 1999. 224 pp.




Dominion Theology: Blessing or Curse?  An Analysis of Christian Reconstructionism | Multnomah | 1988. 460 pp.


The Rapture Question | John F. Walvoord | Zondervan Academic | 1979. 304 pp.

The Popular Handbook on the Rapture: Experts Speak Out on End-Times Prophecy | Tim LaHaye (editor) and Thomas Ice (editor) and Ed Hindson (editor) | Harvest House Publishers | 2012. 320 pp.

Can We Still Believe in the Rapture? | Mark Hitchcock and Ed Hindson | Harvest House Publishers | 2018. 240 pp.

Come Quickly, Lord Jesus: What You Need to Know About the Rapture | Charles C. Ryrie | Harvest House | 1996. 118pp.

Maranatha -- Our Lord, Come!: A Definitive Study of the Rapture of the Church | Ronald Showers | Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry | 1995. 288 pp.

Replacement Theology

Has the Church Replaced Isarel?: A Theological Evaluation | Michael J. Vlach | B&H Academic | 2010. 228 pp.

Israel and the Church: The Origins and Effects of Replacement Theology | Ronald E. Diprose | IVP Books | 2004. 265 pp.

Israel Betrayed - Volume 1: The History of Replacement Theology | Andrew D. Robinson | Ariel Ministries | 2018. 320 pp.

Israel Betrayed - Volume 2: The Rise of Christian Palestinianism | Paul R. Wilkinson | Ariel Ministries | 2018. 528 pp.

Book of Revelation

Understanding Revelation: An investigation of the key interpretational and chronological questions which surround the Book of Revelation | Gary G Cohen | 1968. 186 pp.

A Bible Handbook to Revelation | Mal Couch | 2001. 328 pp.

The Worthy Champion: A Christology of the Book of Revelation Based on Elements of Its Literary Composition | Brian R Hand | Bob Jones University Press | 2008. 304 pp.

A Testimony of Jesus Christ: A Commentary on the Book of Revelation, Vols. 1-2 | Anthony C. Garland | | 2007. 574 pp.

The Climax of Biblical Prophecy: A Guide to Interpreting Revelation | Brian Hand | Bob Jones University Press | 2012. 208 pp.

The Book of Revelation: Unlocking the Future | Ed Hindson | 21st Century Biblical Commentary Series (Volume 16) | 2002. 256pp.

Revelation Commentaries, Vols. 1-2 | John MacArthur | Moody Publishers | 1999. 1239 pp.

The Revelation Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Prophetic Book of the End of Times | Henry M. Morris | 1983. 

Revelation - Everyman's Bible Commentary | Charles C. Ryrie | 1996. 160 pp.

Revelation Exegetical Commentary - 2 Volumes | Robert L. Thomas | Moody Publishers | 2016. 1264 pp.

Revelation: The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentaries | John F. Walvoord | Moody Publishers | 2011.  400 pp. 

Romans 9-11

God's Plan for Israel: A Study of Romans 9-11 | Steven A. Kreloff | Kress Biblical Resources | 2006. 112 pp.

Three Views on Israel and the Church: Perspectives on Romans 9-11 | Andrew Naselli (author) and Jared Compton (editor) | Kregel Academic | 2019. 272 pp.



1 & 2 Thessalonians Commentary: The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentaries | John F. Walvoord | Moody Publishers | 2012. 176 pp.


The Temple and Bible Prophecy: A Definitive Look at Its Past, Present, and Future | Randall Price | Harvest House Publishers | 2005. 768 pp. 

Rose Guide to Temple | Randall Price | Rose Publishing | 2012. 144 pp.



I Saw the Lord: A Biblical Theology of Vision | Abner Chou | Wipf and Stock | 2013. 280 pp




Understanding Christian Zionism: Israel's Place in the Purposes of God | Paul R. Wilkinson | The Bearen Call | 2013 358 pp.

The Case for Zionism: Why Christians Should Support Israel | Thomas Ice | New Leaf Press | 2017.  240 pp.

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