Monday, July 31, 2023

My Beliefs

I am going to be controversial here (for some). But, nonetheless, here is my stance:
  • Unless you interpret the Bible literally, grammatically and historically,
  • Unless you believe that God made the Earth in six normal days.
  • Unless you understand God's continual plan and purpose for ethnic Israel and that the Church is an entirely different entity than Israel,
  • Unless you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died as a perfect offering for the sins of all who would believe in Him and rosé bodily from the dead,
  • Unless you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming again before the time of Tribulation to rescue His Bride from the coming judgment to be poured out upon the Earth,
  • Unless you believe that He is returning to reign over the Earth for 1,000 years as the Bible says,
  • Unless you believe that there will be a New Heavens and a New Earth over which Christ will reign forever,
THEN you need to go back to your Bible and read again the truth about these significant fundamental doctrines.

These are not peripheral issues.

Think about these things.

Blessings to you in Christ,

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