Saturday, May 2, 2020

I am a cement Christian...all mixed up and set in my ways.
Seriously...I am a Sepratist, Independendent, Fundimentalist non-KJVO, Free Grace, Biblicist, agreeing with the Apostolic and Nicene Creed, non-Gomarist Tulip, Hyper, Extreem, or New Calvinist, non-D.A.I.S.Y., Evangelical, but not Neo, Concenteic Cessationist, new Earth Creationist, holding to Traducianism, holding to Grace Giving, Paulinie Dispensationalist, Pre-trib, Pre-Mill, rejecting Nephilim and Islamic Eschotology, interpreting the Bible using the literal, historical, grammatical method.
Did I leave anything out?

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