Monday, February 27, 2023




Note: I have edited this article to bring it in line to biblical truth with discernment. Acts 17:11 - Jerry Teets

The individuals listed below are Christians (past and present) who are passionate about their faith.  Some are recognized pastors, scholars and teachers of Bible prophecy and eschatology (study of end-times) who also belong to various denominations.  Also listed here are those from pseudo-Christian organizations (so-called Christian groups that adhere to doctrines outside mainstream Christianity).  This comprehensive list of individuals is meant to help you identify sound teaching on Bible prophecy and prophecy topics only.  Some have devoted their entire lives to teaching Bible prophecy.  Not all are always in agreement, and not all are sound in their doctrines.  Therefore, study for yourselves, and use this as a guide only.

You will find the terms pre-tribulationpre-millennialpost-tribulation and preterist used here.  They are simply this:
pre-tribulation and pre-millennial views are the most widely held in Bible prophecy.  The pre-tribulation view is referring to the rapture (removal) of the Church prior to the start of the tribulation period.  The tribulation period lasts 7 years, ending with the Second Coming.  Pre-millennial is defined as Jesus Christ returning (Second Coming) before his millennial kingdom (1,000 year reign) ensues on earth.  

Those views are the most literal approach to Bible prophecy, and are sometimes called the futurist view, which claims there will be a literal future 7-year tribulation period followed by a literal 1000-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth.  As well, the rapture of the Church will precede the tribulation period, and is a separate event from the Second Coming of Jesus Christ at the end of the tribulation period.  Additionally, the Church and Israel have distinct and unique roles in the end-times, thus the events described in the book of Revelation are still to come.  Such views of are often attacked by liberal denominations and various cults.

The post-tribulation view blends the rapture and the Second Coming into a single event at the end of the tribulation period.  A majority of self-proclaimed prophets hold to a post-tribulation rapture view, as do leaders of most pseudo-Christian cults.  A majority of liberal denominations also accept this view.  Many post-tribulationists adhere to a futurist view, with the exception of Seventh-Day Adventists who generally hold to the historicist view which contends that Bible prophecy spans the time from the end of the first century A.D. through the Second Coming of Christ (yet future).  In a nutshell, historicists believe that the events of Revelation are a symbolic outline of Church history, taking place over a 2,000 year period of time, ending at the Second Coming.  Followers of historicism will often combine both allegorical and literal viewpoints within their teachings.  

The preterist view takes the historicist position further.  Preterism contends that most, if not all major prophetic events have already been fulfilled in history.  The term preterist means "already fulfilled."  This view discredits the biblical importance of Israel and those Christians who stand with Israel.  This is best described as an ecumenical view, which also contends that the book of Revelation was mostly fulfilled in events leading up to and including the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. 

This position is held by many in Covenant, Reformed and Catholic theologies.  They would be most critical of this website, as they do not usually accept a literal earthly fulfillment of Bible prophecy.  This view is closely tied to dominionism (the idea that society should be governed by the law of God).  There are other variations, such as the "partial preterist" which maintain the same beliefs as other preterists, except for the last couple of chapters of the book of Revelation, which they suggest are yet to be fulfilled.

NOTE:  The authors of this website hold to a pre-tribulation and pre-millennial viewpoint, meaning the Church will be removed before the tribulation period begins, and the Second Coming of Christ will take place before His literal 1000-year reign on earth.  Though there are many good prophecy teachers, some should be avoided.  With that in mind, remember that we are commanded to pray for those whom we take issue with.  Please don't confuse this list with those who claim to be prophets or those with prophetic revelations, dreams, visions or other so-called inspired prophecies.  Descriptions provided in the chart below are derived from teachings and viewpoints on Bible prophecy and prophecy topics, not individual ministries or personal lives.  

You might find some listed here who teach sound Bible prophecy, yet support other doctrines you disagree with.  Their teachings on other important Bible doctrines should not necessarily be confused with comments here.  Use the Bible as your guide, just as Paul described the Bereans in Acts 17:11, "Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so."  Proverbs 4:7, "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom.  And in all your getting, get understanding."  

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