Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A comprehensive timeline of Daniel

Though the following chart is an aggregation of charts in the book of Daniel from chapter 1 through chapters 11 and 12 and appears complex, the intent of pushing this graphic to this section of the website is to illustrate how this website treats many of the prophetic events revealed throughout scripture and how they are illustrated against the backdrop of other historical events on the timeline above.  The intention for this method of presentation is to aid the reader to better comprehend each event in the context of other historical or prophetic events.  Also, as the reader progresses through the pages on this website that examines several prophetic books in the Bible such as the book of Daniel, the events are explored and identified on the timeline.  As each new event is studied it is added to the chart and the timeline becomes an aggregation of all the prior events for that book of the Bible being studied.   For example, the following chart began by showing the prophetic events revealed in Daniel 2 that covered the entire prophetic timeline.  In contrast, events revealed in each of the chapters beginning in Daniel 7 through Daniel 12 are represented in smaller segments on the timeline.  As evident in the graphic below, Daniel 7 highlights the seven years of tribulation, Daniel 8 address the events that affect the nation of Israel, and introduces the transition from the Medo-Persian empire to the Grecian empire.  Daniel 9 reveals the 70 weeks that God had determined on Israel, which are broken up into three segments.  The first segment is associated with the rebuilding of the temple.  The second segment points to the time when Israel's Messiah would present Himself, and be rejected by them.  It also identifies the people who would destroy Jerusalem, and from whom the Antichrist would arise.  The third segment is the final prophetic week.  The 70th week is not contiguous with former 69 weeks.  A pause is inferred in this passage, and elsewhere, between the 69th week and the 70th week in the prophetic timeline.  This is illustrated at the bottom of the graph with the reference to Hosea 6:1-2, which shows that there is a 2,000 year span between the 69th and 70th week.  Daniel 10 and much of Daniel 11 show the impacts on Israel from the type of Antichrist who appeared during the Grecian empire and performed many despicable and evil things upon them.  He was not conquered by men, but his death was from God.  At the end of Daniel 11, the Antichrist of the tribulation is introduced.  Daniel 12 then shows the return of Christ to the earth.

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