Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The timeline for the church age and its rapture

Building upon previous base prophetic timeline, the focus of the following timeline is upon the church age.  As a result, the timeline has been truncated to begin during the days of Jesus Christ.  The church age is the main focus in Revelation 1Revelation 2, and Revelation 3, and so the length of time represented on the timeline is exaggerated, beginning with the day of Pentecost, to the present.  The end of the church age is when it is raptured from this world by the Lord Himself, who will come in the clouds to call His saints up to meet Him and then to be Him for evermore.  Also shown are the seven churches that the Lord addressed His letters to in Revelation 2 and Revelation 3.  All seven churches existed simultaneously in the days that John received this revelation from the Father, but none exist in the present day.  However, since the characteristics of the churches as described by the Lord can be evidenced in today's churches, the graphic below labeled "The church age and Israel," represents each church with a solid line from the early days of the church until the rapture.  The years identified on each line representing a church, in the same graphic, reflects what is traditionally taught with respect to each church representing a period of time in church history. It is only presented as a reference, but it is not thought to be the best explanation for the characteristics of the churches.

Finally, this timeline provides the view of the church age with the list of the seven churches.  The church age will end with the rapture of the church.  Anyone left behind after the rapture of the church will go through the seven years of tribulation.  The tribulation will be the most horrific time that the world will have ever experienced.  After the rapture, the church will no longer exist on earth.  Instead, those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ after the rapture of the church, and confess His name, are the body of believers who constitute the tribulation saints, Revelation 7:9-17, and the children of Israel, Revelation 12:13-16.  These are the only two groups identified during the seven years of tribulation.  At the bottom half of the chart is a horizontal double arrow.  This is to indicate the kingdom of God, which during the church age and tribulation period is spiritual. When the Lord returns with all His saints, Revelation 19, His kingdom will be established physically on this earth forever, and it will have no end.

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