Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The church age and Israel

Some commentators erroneously teach that the church is a replacement for the nation of Israel with respect to promises God made to Israel that have yet to be fulfilled.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  As one reviews the latter chapters of Ezekiel, there is a plethora of promises that are very specific to Israel.  If God were to modify any of them, then what assurance does the church have that the Lord would keep His word to them?  Examining even one chapter, Ezekiel 37, shows the building relationship between the Lord and Israel during the church age, into the millennial reign of Christ.  The following graphic illustrates how, in the example of the valley of bones, that God assembles the bones and puts flesh on them, representing the rebirth of the nation of Israel.  An important point to be drawn from this example is that as Israel was brought back together as a nation, there is no spiritual life until the time they will meet the Lord in the wilderness.  Thereafter, they will also rule with the Lord Jesus Christ during His millennial reign.  As can be seen below, the Lord is now working in Israel to fulfill all that He had promised them.

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