Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Is there any validity to the Bible codes?


There are some problems with the idea of Bible codes. For one, the Bible does not ever hint of the existence of internal codes (Proverbs 25:2 notwithstanding), so all Bible codes are the result of human constructs overlaid on the text. Jesus, in all of the times that He cites Bible passages, never once uses a “Bible code” to draw out a meaning. The apostle Paul, in all the times he references Old Testament passages, never once uses a “Bible code” to provide deeper insight. The same can be said for all of the other biblical authors.
Also, Bible codes are not necessary. What we need to know and apply is clear enough from a “straight” reading of the Word of God. Our salvation comes through calling on Christ to save us from our sin. Calling on Christ comes as we place our faith in Him. Faith comes as a result of hearing the Word of God. Hearing happens as people go out and preach the Word of God to others (Romans 10:9–17). After salvation, we grow in Christ as we feed upon the Word of God (Psalm 119:9–11,105; 2 Timothy 3:16–17; 1 Peter 2:2). All these passages refer to taking the text of the Bible at face value and applying its principles. Salvation and sanctification are not dependent on seeking out Bible codes.

Also, identifying Bible codes is always somewhat arbitrary. The process of discovery and interpretation depends greatly on the perspective of the researcher. This is especially true when the Bible codes are seen as prophetic. Some code-searchers claim to have found references to the World Trade Center, Yasser Arafat, Bill Clinton, anthrax, and various earthquakes and other disasters.

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