Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Good Defense Against Opponents of Pre-Trib Rapture

Jerry L Teets
Reviewed on February 23, 2003
4.0 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐✯

This paperback has been reformatted under;
The Rapture: Who Will Face the Tribulation (Tim Lahaye Prophecy Library)

This is a good primer on the Pretribulationist position. But since I am of this view is like singing to the choir for me.

The gem hidden for Pretribulationist in this book is the section "No Fear of Misguided Attacks" and covers...

  • The Pre-wrath Myth (Dealing with VanKampen and Rosenthal)

  • McPherson's Vendetta (Dealing with his hatred of the Pre-trib doctrine)

  • The Most Absurd Charge of All (Dealing with Robert L. Price attacks calling belief in the Pre-Trib Rapture "cultish")

  • A Case Against Slander (Dealing with attacks against Dr. Ironside's)
    *Target Number One (Attacks against J.N. Darby)

*Why Do They Do That (Deals with possible reasons opponent attack the Pre-Trib Rapture)

The opponents say frequently that the pretribulation rapture did not start until 1830 from J.N. Darby, of whom was influenced by Irving and the vision of Margaret Mc Donald.

I would start with the chapter Target Number One. The truth is that Darby in his own words said he started his dispensational view (that lead to forming pretribulation rapture doctrine) in 1827 when he was recovering from a broken leg while riding his horse.

From that time he left the Church of England and joined with the Plymouth Brethren. But Darby made enemies because of his forceful personality. In 1844 he and B.W. Newton had bitter strife over the issue concerning the status of the church during the Great Tribulation. Eventually Newton was excommunicated for heresy for his faulty view of the person of Christ.

In 1855, Newton and his brother in law S. P. Tregelles attacked pretributionism as from "Judizers" and in 1865 changed it to a spirit utterance in Mr. Irving's Church.

It is from this poisoned well that McPherson drew to attack pretribulationism. In turn other opponents like Vankampen and Rosenthal quote from McPherson slanted research without question as being true.

These chapters will answer these charges and show them as biased and lacking credibility. From these chapters you can do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

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