Monday, August 23, 2021

Christian Humanism Today

Christian humanism has gripped the English-speaking world by means of the Wesleyan movement (Methodism), and Methodism's first and second generation heirs--the Holiness and Pentecostal movements, the out-of-control Charismatic Movement, and last but not least, the errant teachings of the now deceased revivalist, Charles G. Finney. Most 'Christian' churches have been engulfed by Arminianism in one form or another. To name a few, there is the: Assembly of God, Foursquare Gospel, Pentecostal-Holiness, Nazarene, Church of God, Brethren in Christ, Mennonite, Quaker, Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Free Methodist, Free Will Baptists, Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and numerous Baptist churches who abandoned their early doctrinal heritage. Further, Arminian error is the basis for or has permeated scores of nondenominational and interdenominational churches and organizations. For example, see Campus Crusade for Christ, International and the Promise Keepers.
Recently, new variations of Christian humanism have emerged--e.g. the Word-Faith & Kingdom Now, Latter Rain, Third Wave Movement and 'New Age' Christianity, so-called. Strangely, a convergence is beginning to form between secular humanists who are dabbling in New Age occult spirituality and 'New Age' Christians. For an introduction to New Age Christianity see: The United Religions Organization, THE NEW GNOSTICS - Resurrecting Pagan Rites, and Peter Jones' THE GNOSTIC EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, P&R Publishing, Phillipsburg, NJ, 1992.
The 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries have witnessed further evolution of the original Pelagian heresy. The Enlightenment's tenet of the total self-sufficiency of man formed a foundation for the Deism of John Locke, the Unitarianism of William E. Channing, and the Transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson. These movements formed the foundations for both Modernism and Liberalism. Also see: The Roots of Religious Liberalism and Christian Agnosticism. It is these forces, rooted in Christian humanism, which have corrupted America's understanding of personal freedom, and have led to widespread abandonment of respect for authority (particularly the Divine), irresponsibility, and social decay. In our lifetime, Secular Humanism has become the dominant philosophy of Western culture. This anti-Christian perspective largely controls both education and mass media in America and is responsible for the growing tide of anti-religious bigotry.
During the last decade of the 20th century, a radical philosophy termed Post-modernism has risen to ascendancy in America. Like Modernism before it, the average individual is regularly bombarded by these viewpoints through television, newspapers and magazines, academic and social interest groups, and even churches. For an outstanding explanation of this phenomena from the Christian perspective, see the book THE DEATH OF TRUTH, WHAT'S WRONG WITH MULTICULTURALISM, THE REJECTION OF REASON, AND THE NEW POSTMODERN DIVERSITY , Dennis McCallum, General Editor. The book does an excellent job in contrasting the ideologies of modernism and postmodernism with the Judeo-Christian theistic tradition and should be read by every thinking Christian.
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For a more in-depth look at so-called "New Age Christianity" (albeit tedious due to the hydra-like nature of the subject) and the coming One World Church, see THE NEW WORLD RELIGION, The Spiritual Roots of Global Government by Gary H. Kah, Hope International Publishing, Inc., 1998.
Similar to the heresy dealt with by the Apostle Paul at the ancient Mediterranean city of Colosse, Arminianism/Wesleyanism/Pentecostalism, etc. either reject or twist the truth concerning God's redemption through identification with Christ and are consequently characterized by fleshly lawlessness and/or self-righteous hypocrisy (read Colossians 2:23). Hence, there is an established link between these groups and the religious beliefs and behavior of the individuals cited at the beginning of this paper. Each embraced humanistic error in one form or another.
The most frightening aspect of the unholy alliance has been the rapid accommodation of the Anglo-Catholic denominations to modernist/liberalism in the first half of the 20th century and to postmodernist thought during the later half. Many of these so-called "Christians" advocate a new form of "tolerance" and "love" unknown in the Bible. For a detailed explanation, see my review and read THE NEW TOLERANCE.
For additional insight into religious humanism, visit our Where They Stand, and Fall Gallery page to see how various individuals (Best, Chafer, Custance, Darby, Feinberg, Stanford, Verduin, Bright, Dobson, Finney, Graham, McCartney, Neuhaus, Robertson, Wimber, John Paul II) line up on these issues. And for the best explanation ever written on the Pentecostal/charismatic errors, see - THE LINE DRAWN, written by Miles Stanford.
Miles Stanford has observed,
While many truly born-again Christians may begin as 'Arminians,' with their 'free will' and their self-centered life and service for 'Jesus;' the tragedy is that far too many never get beyond this early stage of the Christian life, but go on into the fleshly emotionalism of full-fledged Arminianism. 8
While this is true, a far more solemn fact is that Christian humanism has lulled tens of thousands, possibly millions, of unregenerate individuals into a comfortable religiosity, intoxicating them with a false hope of redemption, while in fact they are deluded and lost. Further, those who embrace these humanistic religions sooner or later join rank with those who are "enemies of the cross of Christ" (Philippians 3:18). Some of the most intense persecution of true members of the Body of Christ has come from adherents to Christian humanism and other religions based on free will (John 16:2). As with Paul (formerly Saul of Tarsus), may God grant them mercy unto salvation (1 Timothy 1: 13).
Again, we state:
Christian humanism is a religious philosophy which utilizes a biblical vocabulary, but is built on the sociological myth that man is autonomous and possesses free will. It is a devastating error which deceptively draws sinners into falsely believing they are saved (i.e. Christian) when in fact they are religious and lost. It is a widespread means by which the unbelieving mind is blinded to the Gospel--the true message of Christian redemption.
This statement is supported by the Bible, church history, and the testimony of individuals whom God has saved out of these errors. From time to time, new-creation Christians (2 Corinthians 5:17) will testify of how they previously "thought they were Christian" and how God subsequently brought them to the scriptural realization of their sinfulness and subsequent genuine salvation. The question is often asked, Can a truly new-creation Christian be found in these denominations and movements you've mentioned above? The answer is--assuredly yes. History has proven that there will always be a large number of Christians who are uninformed or idealistic, and assume that the Lord Jesus Christ is interested in reforming Christendom. They are generally unaware that church history testifies against the success of such efforts. Further, there are those who due to tradition, family, friends, or other cares of this world, have rationalized their affiliation, most likely under the banner of "love," and have tragically compromised truth for the sake of peace, so-called.
However on occasion, beleaguered by resistance to sound doctrine from leaders and drawn by the Holy Spirit, the growing Christian wisely withdraws to establish a positive testimony in a safe and doctrinally sound local Bible church, assembly or fellowship, or will gather with other like-minded believers in small home meetings.
The First Adam / The Last Adam

When the truth of our condition "in Adam" has been diminished or lost, it is inevitable for that denomination, group, or Christian individual to drift into other errors and manifestations of immoral behavior. Consequently, the truths ministered by the Holy Spirit through the Epistles penned by the Apostle Paul are critically important. For a reliable, scriptural study guide to these truths, obtain and read: THE COMPLETE GREEN LETTERS, by Miles J. Stanford, (Zondervan, 1983), available via mail order or through your local Christian bookstore.

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