Monday, August 23, 2021

Ever Reforming

 Andy Woods

Protestant Reformation - Introduction (Revelation 20:1-10)
Mishandling of the interpretation of Scripture by the early church was one factor which contributed to the need for reformation. 

Protestant Reformation 2: The Alexandrian Eclipse (1 John 4:2-3)
Mishandling of the interpretation of Scripture by the early church was one factor which contributed to the need for reformation. 

Protestant Reformation 3: The Dark Ages (Matthew 16:18)
Rampant allegorizing led to a distorted view of the plain teaching of Scripture regarding the future millennial reign of Christ.

Protestant Reformation 4: The Dark Ages, Part 2 
Rampant allegorizing led to a distorted view of the plain teaching of Scripture regarding the future millennial reign of Christ. 

05 The Preparation of the Protestant Reformers (Matthew 16:18)
Who were the early reformers and how were they prepared by God?

06 The Contributions of the Protestant Reformers (Mark 7:13)
What important contributions to society and our understanding of the Bible came from the Protestant Reformers? 

07 The Contributions of the Protestant Reformers, Part 2 (Genesis 8:21)
What important contributions to society and our understanding of the Bible came from the Protestant Reformers? 

08 The Reformer’s Incomplete Revolution (Matthew 8:14)
As valuable as the Protestant Reformation was, in some areas it was inconsistent. 

09 The Reformer’s Incomplete Revolution, Part 2 (Matthew 16:20-23)
Some aspects of the Protestant Reformation were less than ideal. 

10 The Reformer’s Incomplete Revolution, Part 3 (Acts 8:35-39)
Some aspects of the Protestant Reformation were less than ideal. 

11 The Reformer’s Incomplete Revolution, Part 4 (Matthew 16:13-23)
Some aspects of the Protestant Reformation were less than ideal. [1 hour]

12 Reformed Theology Today (Zechariah 14:4)
Shortcomings of the Protestant Reformation are still evident within modern reformed theology.

13 Dispensationalism Completes the Revolution (Genesis 15:18-21)
Many shortcomings of the Protestant Reformation were rectified when the Dispensational movement applied consistent principles of interpretation to prophetic passages.

14 Conclusion and Review (Matthew 16:18)
Concluding remarks and a review of the main points from previous presentations.

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