Sunday, November 7, 2021

2021 Chafer Theological Seminary Pastors’ Conference

Challenges to Biblical Faith

Our world and faith face significant and, in some cases, destructive assaults today. This year’s Chafer Seminary Pastors’ Conference focuses on some of these threats. These presentations are for any believer—theologian, pastor, or pew sitter—who needs to be informed, protected, and proactive against these pervasive errors.

Our keynote speaker, Mike Stallard, board member of Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, an author, seminary professor, and Bible teacher, will present six topics related to contemporary issues in dispensational theology. These will alert you to destructive trends, focus your biblical thinking, and encourage and strengthen your understanding of dispensational truth.

Three of our speakers (Greg AllenDan Inghram, and Andy Woods) will help us understand the evil influence that is assaulting evangelical communities as culture has become the means of interpreting Scripture, rather than using Scripture to challenge our culture. This focuses on the inroads of Marxism, socialism, critical race theory, and social justice as the enemy inside the gates.

Our three evening speakers will encourage us from the Scripture. Dennis RokserJim Myers, and Clay Ward will each focus our attention on the Scriptures teaching for our spiritual lives in chaotic times like these. The Bible illuminates us to how we can have joy, stability, and peace because Christ is our eternal hope.

by Robert Dean

by Mike Stallard

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