Sunday, November 7, 2021

Chosen to Serve: Why Divine Election Is to Service, Not to Eternal Life

Chosen to Serve: Why Divine Election Is to Service, Not to Eternal Life
by Shawn C Lazar
Most people assume that God has chosen individuals to have everlasting life. They might disagree on whom God has chosen, and why He has chosen them, but they agree that is what the doctrine of election is about. But where is that idea taught in the Bible? Where does the Bible say God chooses individuals for eternal life or eternal death? In Chosen to Serve, Shawn Lazar examines the Biblical evidence and comes to a surprising conclusion: election is vocational. God chooses people, places, and things for service and reward, not for eternal life. If you have ever struggled with the issue of divine election, this book is for you.

Jeremy Myers interviews Shawn Lazar about his book, Chosen to Serve
I have been teaching a series on the doctrine of divine election in Scripture, and so am pleased to welcome Shawn Lazar onto the show to discuss his book, Chosen to Serve.
In his book, Shawn shows what the Bible teaches about election, and discusses several key passages which are used to defend various views of divine election. Shawn shows us how to understand these passages in light of the rest of biblical revelation about this tricky doctrine.
When you properly understand divine election, you will no longer find yourselves in angry and heated debates about who God chose for heaven from eternity past … nor will you be anxious about whether or not you yourself are chosen by God.
Instead, you will discover the beautiful biblical truth that election is to service, not to eternal life.

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