Thursday, July 28, 2022

God Didn’t Change His Mind

by Ronald W Robey
(written July 27, 2022)
God didn’t change His mind. Psalm 119:89 says that God’s word is for ever settled in Heaven.
So what does God’s word say concerning the observance of His tithe ordiance?
a) God’s tithe is to consist of the seed of the land, i.e the fruits and vegetables that grow in gardens and orchards (Lev. 27:30)
b) God’s tithe is to consist of every tenth animal from the flocks and herds to pass under the rod (Lev. 27:32)
c) God’s tithe is to consist of agricultural food by-products, i.e wines and oils (Deut. 12:17)
Not once, in the entire Bible, does God change His mind and say that His tithe is now to be a tenth of man’s monetary income.
d) God said that the command to tithe was given for the children of Israel (Lev. 27:34)
Not once, in the entire Bible, does God change His mind and say that the saved in Christ are required to tithe.
e) God said that the place to tithe is in the land of Canaan (Deut. 12:10-11)
Not once, in the entire Bible, does God change His mind and say that tithes are to be observed all over the world.
f) God said that His commanded tithe is to be given to
1. the tribe of Levi
2. widows
3. fatherless children
4. foreigners
Not once, in the entire Bible, does God change His mind and say that His commanded tithe is to be given to
1. apostles
2. prophets
3. evangelists
4. pastors
5. teachers
6. bishops
7. elders
8. deacons
9. reverends
g) God said that the congregation is not to go near the House of God with their tithes (Num. 18:21-23)
Not once, in the entire Bible, does God change His mind and say that the congregation is to take their tithes to the House of God.
h) God only authorized the tribe of Levi to tithe to the House of God (Num. 18:26-29; Neh. 10:29,38)
Not once, in the entire Bible, does God change His mind and say that people who are not Levites are to tithe to the House of God.
Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
God didn’t change His mind, man has rejected God’s word.

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